10 Things That Make Me Happy edition 3

10 Things That Make Me Happy edition 3


Happy Tuesday Daisies!

I haven’t done one of these type of posts for awhile now but randomly pulled out my book, 14,000 Things to be Happy About, while having some me time and decided to share with you daisies 10 things that make me happy! You can check out my last two posts on this book here and here 🙂 I’ve been fighting a cold for the past week and so my sister-in-law dropped off a bath bomb for me to try by Serene_Glow and the smell was absolutely amazing and the colors were divine!

10 Things Galina is Happy About

  1. Going to bed before you get sleepy
  2. Bonfire colors
  3. Special coffee
  4. Hugs
  5. Writing a poem
  6. Bringing slippers and wearing comfortable clothes to visit someone for tea
  7. Roses
  8. Quiet
  9. July afternoons roaring and rumbling with thunderstorms
  10. Curling your hair

I want to know what made YOU happy this past few months?! For me it’s hard to notice the positive and the happy things going on in my life and it’s ALWAYS the small things in life! With this book, I can read it and agree with so many of the things that make me happy in life that I don’t even notice!

I am working on a life update post for you guys with what has been going on with my life and some of my fears and goals in life for the end of the year so stay tuned for that! Love you! ❤

10 Things to be Happy About Week #2

10 Things to be Happy About Week #2


Happy Saturday my happy daisies! I hope your week has been productive and happy! Mine has been filled with tons of homework, work, and school. As I promised in my last post here are this week’s 10 things to be happy about from the book 14,000 Things to be Happy About!

  1. Long Socks
  2. Buying your First Expensive Dress
  3. Eating Three Slices of Pizza and the next morning finding you’re a pound lighter
  4. An Hour of Lonely Communion with your Coffee Cup before Communion with Fellow Human Beings
  5. Bangs
  6. Honey in a Tube
  7. A Walk Downtown
  8. A Beauty Shop Appointment
  9. Planning a Hike
  10. Leafing through Boxes of Unsorted Photographs

I love this week’s list! I remember the feeling of buying my first expensive dress. My heart beating fast but feeling happy and excited! Planning a hike and a walk downtown makes me sooooo happy! There is seriously something about not knowing what your adventure will bring you. I loved reading your guy’s last week comments on last week’s list. Let me know what you think about this week’s list! When I sit down to write these I get so happy about discovering what I will find in the book this time! I love you guys! XOXO! ❤

P.S. You guys!! I made an instagram! I want to follow ALL of your guys! Here’s my account name justalittlebitofcoffee! Follow me and let me know you are from here and I will follow back!!! ❤ ❤

10 Things to be Happy About

10 Things to be Happy About

Hi, Hi, Hi!

Daises! I am so excited today! (Maybe I drank tooo much coffee but still!) SO I don’t know if you guys know but I am absolutely in love with thrifting and my best pieces to pick up at the thrift store are books! Guess what book I was able to pick up for just $1.99?! 14,000 things to be happy about! Did you know that it took Barbara (the author) 20 years to compile this list!

After picking up the book I figured what a great way to start 2017 and list 10 things from this book that have made me happy in the past and see how many of you have had these things happen to them! I think I will be posting 10 things from this book a few times throughout the month. I think it would be pretty cool to look back at the end of the year and see all the happy things that happened. I am so happy I was able to pick this book up because when things get tough or when I get sad I can peek into this book and see all the amazing things to be happy about!

10 Things Galina is Happy About 

1. A Trip to the Library

2. Sunlight Streaming Through the Trees

3. Sunday Naps

4. Family Time 

5. Getting a Passport 

6. Roses

7. Sugar

8. Bathtubs 

9. Receiving Forgiveness 

10. Eating What You Like and Letting the Food Fight it Out Inside

Well that’s it for today! Let me know if any of these things ever made you happy and what else makes you happy?! Love you beautiful daisies! ❤